Friday, April 18, 2014

What You're Looking At

It is my understanding that the greatest moments in life transport us from reality to somewhere special-somewhere science and algorithms and chemicals of the brain can't explain. The greatest moments consume us and brand themselves on our brains. A moment can be standing on the summit of Everest. It can be the seconds in between your proposal and your lover's reaction. A moment can be an eternity or a flash of light. A kiss can transport you to a fluffy cloud much like lovely and soothing ones we remember from movies; the ones people wade through during their passage into heaven. Only these clouds are better because they're only for you, you and whoever the kiss was shared with. The right literature can transport you in the same way. It can instill tearful emotions in you as if your lifelong friend was just stabbed. And what better way to inspire someone than with emotion. Moments such as these can certainly change the course of one's life and such is what I hope to do by sharing these pieces about moments with my audience. A moment is only a fraction of a minute, which is a fraction of an hour, which is a fraction of a day, which is a fraction of our lives. But, like a droplet of red food coloring in a cup of water, it only requires a fraction to change everything.

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